Great Bear Rainforest AR

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Great Bear Rainforest in Augmented Reality

View some of the Great Bear Rainforest’s most iconic animals in augmented reality. If viewing on a computer, drag and zoom the images below to see each animal from different angles. Click on the AR icon in the top right corner of each image and scan the QR code with the camera from a mobile device to place the image in physical space and interact with it that way.

Humpback Whale

Humpback whales of the Great Bear Sea were almost decimated by whaling, but in the last 20 years their numbers have returned and it is not unusual to see humpbacks during the summer. During the winter, humpbacks will migrate to the warmer waters of Mexico or Hawaii.

Pacific Salmon

Pacific salmon are a keystone species of the Great Bear Rainforest and feed over 200 species of animals. The rainforest salmon run is one of the most spectacular migrations on Earth. Adult salmon will return from the open ocean to the exact same stream where they spawned. Salmon are not only important to the animals, but are an important food source for the people who live in the Great Bear.

Grizzly Bear

Grizzly bears are the largest of the bears found in the Great Bear Rainforest. There are far fewer grizzly bears than the smaller black bears. This is because grizzlies require such large territories to survive, as much as hundreds of square kilometers for males.

Bald Eagle

Bald eagles are found throughout North America, but are especially plentiful in the Great Bear Rainforest. Bald eagles are Canada’s largest bird of prey.


Orcas of the Great Bear Rainforest are either resident populations or transient populations. Residents form pods of 10 or more and spend their lives in the same territories following the salmon which is what they mainly eat. Transients are often alone or in small groups of 5 or 6, travel greater distances and along with fish, will hunt and eat mammals like seals and sealions.