Wilderness Committee

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The Wilderness Committee works to protect Canada’s remaining biodiversity through strategic research and grassroots public education that is grounded in principles of human rights and social justice. They have helped to protect over 60 major wilderness areas in Canada, including millions of hectares of critical wildlife habitats and some of the world’s last large tracts of old-growth temperate rainforest and boreal forest. Education and action initiatives focus partly on climate change, and they have enhanced public awareness on the risks and impacts of unsustainable energy production and transport (oil, liquid natural gas, and coal). Attractive for youth, is their Endangered Species campaign, which features several films including one in the works – Toad People – a film focusing on several BC communities who are standing up for the conservation of toads threatened by habitat degradation and fragmentation, by building safe passages for the toads. Youth are invited to support and participate in this and other campaigns. Visit www.wildernesscommittee.org.
